Vedic Astrology Predictions by KT Astrologer

Volume 5 - Issue 1 Software & Finance Monthly Magazine

January 2015

Astrology - January 2015 Monthly Predictions (Rasi Palan) for Vrichiga Rasi (Scorpio)

Predictions written by KT Astrologer



Sun will be transiting into your 2nd and 3rd house indicating favorable position for entire this month. Jupiter and Rahu are in good position for entire this month. The impact of Janma Sani will get severe for you Jan 24, and hence you may see more problems aorund last week of this month. But nothing to be feared since Jupiter is also in full force to stop the malefic effects of Janma Sani. The position of Venus and Sun is looking good. But Mars moving onto to your Ardhastama Sthanam can create some setback. This month is looking very much mixed, I predict that it will not take you anywhere!



Your health will get affected especially from Jan 24, 2015, because of Janma Sani and unfavorable transit of Mars. Jupiter will make sure the problems are under control but health problems will remain. You will have disturbed sleep and mental tension will shoot up towards end of this month.


Avoid eating outside and spicy food. Be careful on driving at night and avoid late night travelling if possible. Make sure to concentrate your mind of prayers and try to spend some time on charity. Visit temples as many time as you can to improve the situation.


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January 2015 Monthly Rasi Palan Astrology Predictions For Vrichiga Rasi Scorpio Moon Sign by KT Astrologer


Family, Love and relationship 

Family problems will creep up as the month progress. You will start having conflicts and arguments with your spouse. Make sure the problems are under your control with your patience and tolerance. Otherwise things will start moving out of your control. Lovers will see mixed results and you will find romance is missing!


It is ok to plan for the baby and check with your doctor for your health conditions. If you are already engaged, then there will not be any problems. But if you are still looking, then you may not find the suitable match. You will have wait for couple of months. Avoid planning any subha karyas in this month since Janma Sani will adversely affect you as the month progress.



Students will see sudden setback and may lose interest on studies again. You will develop unwanted fear and tension. Keep your good friends and you need their support in the coming months for sure. Concentrate more on your studies to get good credits on your exams.


Work / Career and Business 

This month can cause a severe setback on your career because of Janma Sani and Mars on your unfavorable spot. These aspects will increase your work pressure and you would not able to complete your assigned duties even if you stay long hours and work during the week-ends. You may tend to change you job, but you will not find any good oppotunities. If you are currently employed, then it is better to avoid looking for a job change for the next couple of months.


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God Bless You!

Predictions written by KT Astrologer

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January 2015 Monthly Rasi Palan (Predictions) for each moon sign

Mesham (Aries) Rishabham (Taurus) Midhunam (Gemini) Katagam (Cancer)
Simham (Leo) Kanni (Virgo) Thulam (Libra) Vrichigam (Scorpio)
Dhanush (Sagittarius) Makaram (Capricorn) Kumbam (Aquarius) Meenam (Pisces)