Software & Finance - Monthly Magazine Online

Volume 3 - Issue 1

January 2013

Astrology - January 2013 Monthly Predictions (Rasi Palan) for Meena Rasi (Pisces)

Sun will be transiting into your 10th house and 11th house indicating favorable position for entire this month. Jupiter will reduce its malefic effect during this month because it is transiting on the star of Rohini. Saturn in 8th house will create problems with your health and family. Mars staying on your 11th house until Jan 25, 2013 would be an excellent news for you. But Rahu and Ketu are not placed well during this month.


Since Sun and Mars are favorable, you would recover atleast somewhat in your physical health. Mars on your 11th house can subsidize the mental stress created by Saturn and Rahu combination. Overall with respect to your health, you would have some breathing time to think and analyze about your problems. But the problems will still be there!


If you have problems with your spouse, you will have one very good chance to discuss about the relationship issues during this month. Eventhough it looks very promising, but unfortunately it is going to be short term. But use this short tem positive energy to create a very good foundation for your relationship conflicts and so that it can give you great success in the long term.


Your work pressure will get reduced a lot during this month. This is a time to recover some energy and discuss with your managers to resolve the conflicts and coming up with a new plan to meet the objectives. No Job change advised during this month.


Expenses and inflow of money are likely during this month! But stay away from stock market trade as huge loss and wealth destruction is indicated on the cards. Jupiter and Mars will try to support on your family and finance front, but may not help much with miserable saturn and Rahu aspect.


Overall this month also looks reasonably good and give you time to relax.


NOTE: The intensity of the problems would be more Jan 25, 2013 onwards for the next 4 months. That will take you to the bottom of the testing period. Once you reach May 2013, you can relax somewhat since your bottom has aleady seen.


January 2013 Monthly Rasi Palan (Predictions) for each moon sign

Mesham (Aries) Rishabham (Taurus) Midhunam (Gemini) Katagam (Cancer)
Simham (Leo) Kanni (Virgo) Thulam (Libra) Vrichigam (Scorpio)
Dhanush (Sagittarius) Makaram (Capricorn) Kumbam (Aquarius) Meenam (Pisces)