Software & Finance

C# - Events

Refer to Delegates and multicast delegates before reading about Events.

Special type of delegates are called events. Events are defined with the keyword called event.

        public delegate void Shape();
        public event Shape ShapeEvent;

Events are used in many places. A typical example would be which call back function needs to be used on a mouse click event. Look at the sample code and it is easy to understand.


Source Code

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Text;


namespace Basics


    class Drawing


        public delegate void Shape();

        public event Shape ShapeEvent;

        public void Rectangle()


            Console.WriteLine("This is Rectangle");



        public void Square()


            Console.WriteLine("This is Square");



        public void Circle()


            Console.WriteLine("This is Circle");



        static void Main(string[] args)


            Drawing d = new Drawing();


            // Shape is like a fuction pointer in C++

            // Shape [] is assigned with 3 functions with same function sigature

            Shape [] parray = { new Shape(d.Rectangle),

                                new Shape(d.Square),

                                new Shape(d.Circle)



          // Event is assigned with all 3 functions.


          for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)


              d.ShapeEvent += parray[i];


// When the event is fired all 3 functions are invoked.  






This is Rectangle

This is Square

This is Circle