Software & Finance

Facebook Apps - Get publish_stream access using Graph API

Here is the sample code for Facebook Apps on how to get publish_stream access using Graph API.


First you need to have PHP SDK to start with. You can download the PHP SDK for facebook at the following location:



Here is the sample code for Facebook Apps on how to post on your wall using Graph API


    include_once 'facebook.php';

	$facebook = new Facebook(array(
		'appId' => 'YOUR_APP_ID',
		'secret' => 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY',
		'cookie' => true,
		'domain' => ''

	$app_name = "Broadcast to Friends";
	$app_url = "";

	$user_id = $facebook->getUser();

	if (!$user_id) {	
		$url = $facebook->getLoginUrl(array(
		'canvas' => 1,
		'fbconnect' => 0

	} else 
		try {
			$permissions = $facebook->api("/me/permissions");
			if(! array_key_exists('publish_stream', $permissions['data'][0]) ) { 
				header( "Location: " . $facebook->getLoginUrl(array("scope" => "publish_stream")) );
			$permissions = $facebook->api("/me/permissions");
			if( array_key_exists('publish_stream', $permissions['data'][0]) ) {
                $location = "/me/feed";
                $post_id = $facebook->api($location, 'post', array('message'=>'Hello World !'));
                echo "posted on your wall" . $post_id;
		catch (FacebookApiException $e) 
			echo "Error: Unable to post on your  wall";
