Software & Finance

Visual C++ - Finding the equation of a Line Given Two End Points

Here is the Visual C++ program for finding the equation of a Line Given Two End Points (x1,y1) and (x2, y2)


The equation for a line is Y = MX + C


Where M = Slope of a Line and C = Intercept


To Find the slope of a line


slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)


To Find the intercept of the line, intercept = y1 - (slope) * x1

which would be same as, intercept = y2 - (slope) * x2


Source Code

#include <iostream>

#include <math.h>


void main()


    float slope, intercept;

    float x1, y1, x2, y2;

    float dx, dy;


    std::cout << "Program to find the equation of a line given two end points\n";


    std::cout << "Enter X1: ";

    std::cin >> x1;


    std::cout << "Enter Y1: ";

    std::cin >> y1;


    std::cout << "Enter X2: ";

    std::cin >> x2;


    std::cout << "Enter Y2: ";

    std::cin >> y2;


    dx = x2 - x1;

    dy = y2 - y1;


    slope = dy / dx;

    // y = mx + c

    // intercept c = y - mx

    intercept = y1 - slope * x1; // which is same as y2 - slope * x2


    std::cout << "Equation of the line with end points (" << x1 << ", " << y1 << ") and (" << x2 << ", " << y2 << ") : Y = ";

    std::cout << slope << "X " << ((intercept < 0) ? ' ' : '+') << intercept << "\n";




Program to find the equation of a line given two end points

Enter X1: 2

Enter Y1: 3

Enter X2: 5

Enter Y2: 7

Equation of the line with end points (2, 3 and (5, 7) : Y = 1.33333X +0.333333

Press any key to continue . . .