Software & Finance

Visual C++ - Phone Book Directory Management System

Here is the Visual C++ Source Code for Phone Book Management.

Source Code

// TestPhBk.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.



#include <iostream>

#include <iomanip>


#include <map>

#include <list>

#include <string>

#include <iostream>

#include <algorithm>


using namespace std;


class CPhoneBookInfo;


// Map container to hold PhoneType to PhoneNo or Vice-Versa

typedef map<string, string>         TMapPhoneByType;

typedef pair<string, string>    TPairPhoneByType;


// Common MultiMap container to hold PhoneBook information either for Name/PhoneNo

// Can hold same Name, PhNos to hold duplicate entries

// If required, can be managed with unique key string based on distinct phone no (or) User details.

typedef multimap<string, CPhoneBookInfo>    TMultiMapPhoneBook;

typedef pair<string, CPhoneBookInfo>            TPairPhoneBook;


typedef TMapPhoneByType::iterator               TMapPhoneByTypeIt;

// Common List container to collect the various phones per user

typedef list<TMapPhoneByTypeIt>                       TMapPhoneByTypeItList;


typedef TMultiMapPhoneBook::iterator            TMultiMapPhoneBookIt;

// Common List container to collect the Phone Directory details based on

// 1.User details <FirstName>[|MI|LN|Addr] format

// 2.Phone number

typedef list<TMultiMapPhoneBookIt>              TMultiMapPhoneBookItList;


// Class to hold per user details.

class CPhoneBookInfo








      CPhoneBookInfo(string FN, string MI, string LN, string Addr, string PhType, string PhNo)


            // Invalid information verification, ignore if wrong

            if (FN.length() <= 0 || PhNo.length() <= 0)



            // Valid information available to add phone info

            m_strFirstName = FN;

            m_strMiddleInitial = MI.length() > 0? MI : "";

            m_strLastName = LN.length() > 0? LN : "";

            m_strAddress = Addr.length() > 0? Addr : "";


            AddPhoneEntry(PhType, PhNo);



      virtual ~CPhoneBookInfo()





      // Attributes


      string                  m_strFirstName;

      string                  m_strMiddleInitial;

      string                  m_strLastName;

      string                  m_strAddress;


      TMapPhoneByType   m_mapPhoneByType;

      int               m_nCntPhone;


      // Methods


      void ClearData()








            m_nCntPhone = 0;




      // Set Property

      void SetFirstName(const string strFirstName) { m_strFirstName = strFirstName; }

      void SetMiddleInitial(const string strMiddleInitial) { m_strMiddleInitial = strMiddleInitial; }

      void SetLastName(const string strLastName) { m_strLastName = strLastName; }

      void SetAddress(const string strAddress) { m_strAddress = strAddress; }


      // Get Property

      string GetFirstName() const { return m_strFirstName; }

      string GetMiddleInitial() const { return m_strMiddleInitial; }

      string GetLastName() const { return m_strLastName; }

      string GetAddress() const { return m_strAddress; }


      // Useful to create unique key contraint based on User details.

      string GetUniqueKey() const


            return      m_strFirstName + "|" +  m_strMiddleInitial +  "|"

                        m_strLastName + "|" +  m_strAddress;



      void AddPhoneEntry(string typePhone, string PhoneNo)


            //Assume PhoneType as 'Other' if no valid type info

            m_mapPhoneByType.insert(TPairPhoneByType(typePhone.length() > 0? typePhone : "Other", PhoneNo));

            m_nCntPhone = m_mapPhoneByType.size();



      bool UpdatePhoneEntry(string typePhone, string PhoneNo)


            bool bOk = false;


            TMapPhoneByTypeIt it = m_mapPhoneByType.find(typePhone.c_str());

            if (it != m_mapPhoneByType.end())


                  m_mapPhoneByType[typePhone] = PhoneNo;

                  bOk = true;



                  AddPhoneEntry(typePhone, PhoneNo);


            return bOk;



      // Returns the phone number associate per user.

      TMapPhoneByTypeItList GetPhoneEntries()


            TMapPhoneByTypeItList TMPhByTypeIL;

            for (TMapPhoneByTypeIt it = m_mapPhoneByType.begin();

                  it != m_mapPhoneByType.end(); it++)

                  TMPhByTypeIL.push_back( it );

            return TMPhByTypeIL;



      bool DelPhoneEntry(string typePhone)


            bool bDelete = false;


            TMapPhoneByTypeIt it = m_mapPhoneByType.find(typePhone.c_str());

            if (it != m_mapPhoneByType.end())



                  bDelete = true;



            return bDelete;



      void PrintPhoneBookInfo()


            cout << endl;

            cout << "Firstname      : " << m_strFirstName << endl;

            cout << "Middle Initial : " << m_strMiddleInitial << endl;

            cout << "Lastname       : " << m_strLastName << endl;

            cout << "Address        : " << m_strAddress << endl;

            cout << "Phone List     : ";

            for (TMapPhoneByTypeIt it = m_mapPhoneByType.begin();

                  it != m_mapPhoneByType.end(); it++)

                  cout << "(" << it->first << ") " << it->second << " ";

            cout << endl;



      void PrintTabularFmtPhoneBookInfo(bool bWithHeaders = false)


            if (bWithHeaders == true)


                  cout << endl;

                  cout << "Firstname    MI Lastname     Address      Phone List" << endl;

                  cout << "================================================================================" << endl;


            cout << setiosflags(ios_base::left) << setw(13) << m_strFirstName << setw(3);

            cout << m_strMiddleInitial << setw(13) << m_strLastName << setw(13) << m_strAddress;

            for (TMapPhoneByTypeIt it = m_mapPhoneByType.begin();

                  it != m_mapPhoneByType.end(); it++)

                  cout << "(" << it->first << ") " << it->second << " ";

            cout << endl;




// Class to hold Telephone Directory.

class CPhoneDirectory








      virtual ~CPhoneDirectory()





      // Attributes


      // Having Name<->PhNo container

      TMultiMapPhoneBook            m_PhoneBookByName;

      // Having PhNo<->Name container, for easy reverse lookup processing.

      TMultiMapPhoneBook            m_PhoneBookByPhNo;


      // Methods

      void ClearDirectory()






      void GetUniqueSrchKey_NameType(string& SrchKey)


            int i, nSepCount = 0;

            string::size_type nQueryPos = 0;


            for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)


                  nQueryPos = SrchKey.find("|", nQueryPos);

                  if (string::npos != nQueryPos)





            for (i = nSepCount; i < 3; i++)

                  SrchKey += "|";





      bool AddDirectoryEntry(string EntryData, CPhoneBookInfo PhBkEntry, bool DefByName = true ) //* false -> DefByPhNo


            bool bOk = false;


            // Invalid information verification, ignore if wrong

            if (EntryData.length() <= 0 || PhBkEntry.GetUniqueKey().length() <= 0)


                  cout << "WARNING : Please make sure to give valid Phone Book input information!" << endl;

                  return bOk;



            if (!DefByName)


                  m_PhoneBookByPhNo.insert(TPairPhoneBook(EntryData, PhBkEntry));

                  m_PhoneBookByName.insert(TPairPhoneBook(PhBkEntry.GetUniqueKey(), PhBkEntry));




                  m_PhoneBookByName.insert(TPairPhoneBook(PhBkEntry.GetUniqueKey(), PhBkEntry));

                  TMapPhoneByTypeItList TMPhByTypeIL = PhBkEntry.GetPhoneEntries();

                  for (; !TMPhByTypeIL.empty(); TMPhByTypeIL.pop_front() )

                        m_PhoneBookByPhNo.insert(TPairPhoneBook(TMPhByTypeIL.front()->second, PhBkEntry));



            return bOk;



      bool DelDirectoryEntry(string EntryData, bool DefByName = true

    // false -> DefByPhNo



            bool bOk = false;


            // Invalid information verification, ignore if wrong

            if (EntryData.length() <= 0)


                  cout << "WARNING : Please make sure to give valid Phone Book input information!" << endl;

                  return bOk;



            if (!DefByName)


                  string EntryByName = "";

                  TMultiMapPhoneBookIt itPhBk = m_PhoneBookByPhNo.find(EntryData.c_str());

                  if (itPhBk != m_PhoneBookByPhNo.end())




                        bOk = true;


                        // Also delete the relevant map entry from PhoneBook By Name collection

                        TMultiMapPhoneBookIt itPhBk = m_PhoneBookByName.find(EntryByName.c_str());

                        if (itPhBk != m_PhoneBookByName.end())



                              bOk = true;






                  TMultiMapPhoneBookIt itPhBk = m_PhoneBookByName.find(EntryData.c_str());

                  if (itPhBk != m_PhoneBookByName.end())


                        TMapPhoneByTypeItList TMPhByTypeIL = itPhBk->second.GetPhoneEntries();

                        for (; !TMPhByTypeIL.empty(); TMPhByTypeIL.pop_front() )




                        bOk = true;




            return bOk;



      TMultiMapPhoneBookItList FindDirectoryEntry(string EntryData,

            bool DefByName = true ,

            bool bExactMatch = true)


            TMultiMapPhoneBookItList TMMPhBkByTypeIL;

            // Invalid information verification, ignore if wrong

            if (EntryData.length() <= 0)


                  cout << "WARNING : Please make sure to give valid Phone Book input information!" << endl;

                  return TMMPhBkByTypeIL;



            pair<TMultiMapPhoneBookIt, TMultiMapPhoneBookIt> rangeList;

            if (!DefByName)


                  if (!bExactMatch)

                  {     // Slows down when there would be huge data as we walkthru each and every item

                        for (TMultiMapPhoneBookIt itPhBk = m_PhoneBookByPhNo.begin();

                              itPhBk != m_PhoneBookByPhNo.end(); itPhBk++)


                              if (itPhBk->first.find(EntryData) != string::npos)






                        for (rangeList = m_PhoneBookByPhNo.equal_range(EntryData);

                              rangeList.first != rangeList.second && rangeList.first != m_PhoneBookByPhNo.end();

                              ++rangeList.first )






                  if (!bExactMatch)

                  {     // Slows down when there would be huge data as we walkthru each and every item

                        for (TMultiMapPhoneBookIt itPhBk = m_PhoneBookByName.begin();

                              itPhBk != m_PhoneBookByName.end(); itPhBk++)


                              if (itPhBk->first.find(EntryData) != string::npos)







                        for (rangeList = m_PhoneBookByName.equal_range(EntryData);

                              rangeList.first != rangeList.second && rangeList.first != m_PhoneBookByName.end();

                              ++rangeList.first )




            return TMMPhBkByTypeIL;



      void SearchDirectory(string EntryData,

            bool bSrchByName = true, // false -> bSrchByPhNo,

            bool bExactMatch = true) //false -> Any part of Details


            // Invalid information verification, ignore if wrong

            if (EntryData.length() <= 0)


                  cout << "WARNING : Please make sure to give valid Phone Book Search information!" << endl;




            string EntryDataKey = EntryData;

            TMultiMapPhoneBookItList TMMPhBkByTypeIL = FindDirectoryEntry(EntryDataKey, bSrchByName, bExactMatch);

            cout << endl << (bSrchByName? "Phone Book information by Name: " : "Phone Book information by Number: ");

            cout << EntryData << endl;

            //cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;

            if (TMMPhBkByTypeIL.empty())

                  cout << "Sorry, no matches found!" << endl;



                  cout << TMMPhBkByTypeIL.size() << (bExactMatch? " (Exact)" : " (Closest)") << " matches found!" << endl;

                  cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------";


                  for (; !TMMPhBkByTypeIL.empty(); TMMPhBkByTypeIL.pop_front() )



            cout << endl;



      void PrintDirectoryHeader()


            cout << endl;

            cout << "Firstname    MI Lastname     Address      Phone List" << endl;

            cout << "================================================================================" << endl;



      void PrintDirectory(bool bListByName = true, bool bListByPhNo = true)


            if (bListByName)



                  for (TMultiMapPhoneBookIt itPhBk = m_PhoneBookByName.begin();

                        itPhBk != m_PhoneBookByName.end(); itPhBk++)




            if (bListByPhNo)



                  for (TMultiMapPhoneBookIt itPhBk = m_PhoneBookByPhNo.begin();

                        itPhBk != m_PhoneBookByPhNo.end(); itPhBk++)






int main()


      bool bPhBk = true;


      if (bPhBk)


            CPhoneBookInfo cPBK1("Bala", "", "Raghupathi","222 Birch Rd", "Cell", "7327634068");

            CPhoneBookInfo cPBK2("Bala", "R", "Raghavan","200 New Rd", "Work", "7327634069");

            CPhoneBookInfo cPBK3("John", "S", "Black","2 Wood Ave", "Home", "92314070");

            CPhoneBookInfo cPBK4("Kumar", "S", "Shiv","1 S Wood Ave", "Cell", "9234634071");

            cPBK4.AddPhoneEntry("Other", "7327634072");

            CPhoneBookInfo cPBK5("Rita", "", "","", "Work", "7327634073");

            CPhoneBookInfo cPBK6("Rita", "", "","", "Cell", "7327634074");

            CPhoneBookInfo cPBK7("Rita", "R", "","", "Cell", "7327634075");

            cPBK7.AddPhoneEntry("Home", "7327634032");

            CPhoneBookInfo cPBK8("Joe", "R", "","4 West St", "Cell", "7327634075");

            CPhoneBookInfo cPBK9("Fred", "", "S","", "Work", "7327634075");

            CPhoneBookInfo cPBK10("Muruga", "", "K","6 Green ST", "Cell", "7327634075");


            CPhoneDirectory cPhoneDirectory;

            cPhoneDirectory.AddDirectoryEntry(cPBK1.GetUniqueKey(), cPBK1);

            cPhoneDirectory.AddDirectoryEntry(cPBK2.GetUniqueKey(), cPBK2);

            cPhoneDirectory.AddDirectoryEntry(cPBK3.GetUniqueKey(), cPBK3);

            cPhoneDirectory.AddDirectoryEntry(cPBK1.GetUniqueKey(), cPBK1);

            cPhoneDirectory.AddDirectoryEntry(cPBK4.GetUniqueKey(), cPBK4);

            cPhoneDirectory.AddDirectoryEntry(cPBK5.GetUniqueKey(), cPBK5);

            cPhoneDirectory.AddDirectoryEntry(cPBK6.GetUniqueKey(), cPBK6);

            cPhoneDirectory.AddDirectoryEntry(cPBK7.GetUniqueKey(), cPBK7);

            cPhoneDirectory.AddDirectoryEntry(cPBK8.GetUniqueKey(), cPBK8);

            cPhoneDirectory.AddDirectoryEntry(cPBK9.GetUniqueKey(), cPBK9);

            cPhoneDirectory.AddDirectoryEntry(cPBK10.GetUniqueKey(), cPBK10);

            //cPhoneDirectory.DelDirectoryEntry("7327634072", false);




            cPhoneDirectory.SearchDirectory("Rita", true, false);

            cPhoneDirectory.SearchDirectory("7327634075", false);

            cPhoneDirectory.SearchDirectory("923", false, false);

            cPhoneDirectory.SearchDirectory("No Name");

            cPhoneDirectory.SearchDirectory("No PhNo", false);



      return 0;






Firstname    MI Lastname     Address      Phone List


Bala         R  Raghavan     200 New Rd   (Work) 7327634069

Bala            Raghupathi   222 Birch Rd (Cell) 7327634068

Bala            Raghupathi   222 Birch Rd (Cell) 7327634068

Fred            S                         (Work) 7327634075

Joe          R               4 West St    (Cell) 7327634075

John         S  Black        2 Wood Ave   (Home) 92314070

Kumar        S  Shiv         1 S Wood Ave (Cell) 9234634071 (Other) 7327634072

Muruga          K            6 Green ST   (Cell) 7327634075

Rita         R                            (Cell) 7327634075 (Home) 7327634032

Rita                                      (Work) 7327634073

Rita                                      (Cell) 7327634074


Firstname    MI Lastname     Address      Phone List


Rita         R                            (Cell) 7327634075 (Home) 7327634032

Bala            Raghupathi   222 Birch Rd (Cell) 7327634068

Bala            Raghupathi   222 Birch Rd (Cell) 7327634068

Bala         R  Raghavan     200 New Rd   (Work) 7327634069

Kumar        S  Shiv         1 S Wood Ave (Cell) 9234634071 (Other) 7327634072

Rita                                      (Work) 7327634073

Rita                                      (Cell) 7327634074

Rita         R                            (Cell) 7327634075 (Home) 7327634032

Joe          R               4 West St    (Cell) 7327634075

Fred            S                         (Work) 7327634075

Muruga          K            6 Green ST   (Cell) 7327634075

John         S  Black        2 Wood Ave   (Home) 92314070

Kumar        S  Shiv         1 S Wood Ave (Cell) 9234634071 (Other) 7327634072


Phone Book information by Name: Rita

2 (Exact) matches found!


Firstname    MI Lastname     Address      Phone List


Rita                                      (Work) 7327634073

Rita                                      (Cell) 7327634074



Phone Book information by Name: Rita

3 (Closest) matches found!


Firstname    MI Lastname     Address      Phone List


Rita         R                            (Cell) 7327634075 (Home) 7327634032

Rita                                      (Work) 7327634073

Rita                                      (Cell) 7327634074



Phone Book information by Number: 7327634075

4 (Exact) matches found!


Firstname    MI Lastname     Address      Phone List


Rita         R                            (Cell) 7327634075 (Home) 7327634032

Joe          R               4 West St    (Cell) 7327634075

Fred            S                         (Work) 7327634075

Muruga          K            6 Green ST   (Cell) 7327634075



Phone Book information by Number: 923

2 (Closest) matches found!


Firstname    MI Lastname     Address      Phone List


John         S  Black        2 Wood Ave   (Home) 92314070

Kumar        S  Shiv         1 S Wood Ave (Cell) 9234634071 (Other) 7327634072



Phone Book information by Name: No Name

Sorry, no matches found!



Phone Book information by Number: No PhNo

Sorry, no matches found!