Software & Finance

Turbo C++ (TC++) Graphics - Drawing Pie Chart

Here is the program for drawing a pie chart. Just fill in the values in PieInfo structure and pie chart will be shown. The program output would be a pie chart showing the portfolio of Gold, Stocks, Bonds, Options, ETFs and Cash with different colors.

It uses the formula xend = x + r cos(angle) and yend = y + r sin(angle).

Source Code

#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

#include <graphics.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <conio.h>

#include <bios.h>

#include <math.h>

#include <iostream.h>


struct PieInfo


    char desc[128];

    double percentage;

    int color;

    PieInfo() { }

    PieInfo(const char*d, double p, int c)


      strcpy(desc, d);

      percentage = p;

      color = c;



extern PieInfo thePieInfo[32];

extern int theSliceCount;


PieInfo thePieInfo[32];

int theSliceCount = 0;



void main()


      int grd, grm;


      initgraph(&grd, &grm, "");




      int margin = 40;

      int xmax = getmaxx() - margin;

      int ymax = getmaxy() - margin;

      if(xmax > ymax)

            xmax = ymax;

      double xCenter = xmax / 2 + margin / 2;

      double yCenter = ymax / 2 + margin / 2;

      double radius = ymax / 2;



      rectangle(margin / 2,margin / 2,xmax + margin / 2,ymax + margin / 2);

      circle(xCenter, yCenter, radius);


      thePieInfo[0] = PieInfo("Gold", 20, RED);

      thePieInfo[1] = PieInfo("Stocks", 15, GREEN);

      thePieInfo[2] = PieInfo("Bonds", 35, CYAN);

      thePieInfo[3] = PieInfo("ETFs", 15, MAGENTA);

      thePieInfo[4] = PieInfo("Oprions", 7.5, YELLOW);

      thePieInfo[5] = PieInfo("Cash", 7.5, LIGHTRED);

      theSliceCount = 6;


      double percent = 0;

      static const double PI = 3.1415926535;


      for(int i = 0; i < theSliceCount; i++)


            percent += thePieInfo[i].percentage;

            if(percent > 100)

                  percent = 100;

            double angle = percent / 100 * 360;

            double x = radius * cos(angle * PI / 180);

            double y = radius * sin(angle * PI / 180);

            line(xCenter, yCenter, xCenter + x, yCenter + y);



      radius = radius / 2;

      percent = 0;

      for(int j = 0; j < theSliceCount; j++)


            percent += thePieInfo[j].percentage;

            if(percent > 100)

                  percent = 100;

            double angle = (percent - thePieInfo[j].percentage / 2) / 100 * 360;

            double x = radius * cos(angle * PI / 180);

            double y = radius * sin(angle * PI / 180);


            floodfill(xCenter + x, yCenter + y, WHITE);



      double xpos = xmax + margin;

      double ypos = margin;

      for(int k = 0; k < theSliceCount; k++)


            rectangle(xpos, ypos, xpos + 30, ypos + 25);


            floodfill((xpos + xpos + 30) / 2, (ypos + ypos + 25) / 2, WHITE);

            char buf[128];

            sprintf(buf, "%3.0lf %% %s", thePieInfo[k].percentage, thePieInfo[k].desc);

            outtextxy(xpos + 35, ypos + 10, buf);

            ypos += 35;








Click here to download the source code along with exe file



A pie chart showing the portfolio of Gold, Stocks, Bonds, Options, ETFs and Cash with different colors.