Software & Finance

C Programming (Turbo C++ Compiler) - Terminate and Stay Resident Program (TSR) Timer Clock Sample

I have given here a sample program for TSR which stands for Terminate and Stay Resident. It is easy to implement but you need to know about interrupt service routines and their functions.

Timer.EXE -i option will install the timer.
Timer.EXE -u option will uninstall the timer.

Source Code


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <string.h>

#include <dos.h>

#include <conio.h>

#include <bios.h>


#define INTR 0X1C


#ifdef __cplusplus

    #define __CPPARGS ...


    #define __CPPARGS



char far *scr=(char far*)0xB0008000L;


void interrupt ( *oldhandler)(__CPPARGS);


int count=0;


char hbuf[6];

char mbuf[6];

char sbuf[6];

struct  time t;


void interrupt handler(__CPPARGS)


      char far *p = 0;


      hbuf[0] = '0' + t.ti_hour / 10;

      hbuf[1] = '0' + t.ti_hour % 10;

      mbuf[0] = '0' + t.ti_min / 10;

      mbuf[1] = '0' + t.ti_min % 10;

      sbuf[0] = '0' + t.ti_sec / 10;

      sbuf[1] = '0' + t.ti_sec % 10;


      p = scr;


      *p++ = hbuf[0];

      *p++ = 0x4f;

      *p++ = hbuf[1];

      *p++ = 0x4f;

      *p++ = ':';

      *p++ = 0x4f;



      *p++ = mbuf[0];

      *p++ = 0x4f;

      *p++ = mbuf[1];

      *p++ = 0x4f;

      *p++ = ':';

      *p++ = 0x4f;


      *p++ = sbuf[0];

      *p++ = 0x4f;

      *p++ = sbuf[1];

      *p++ = 0x4f;






int main(int argc, char *argv[])


      if(argc <= 1)


            printf("Syntax: Timer -I (for Install)\n");

            printf("Syntax: Timer -U (for Uninstall)\n");

            return 0;


      if(argv[1][1] == 'I' || argv[1][1] == 'i')



            oldhandler = getvect(INTR);

            setvect(INTR, handler);

            setvect(32, oldhandler);






            oldhandler = getvect(32);

            setvect(INTR, oldhandler);



   return 0;



Click here to download the source code and .EXE application
