Software & Finance

Turbo C - Sum of ODD Numbers in the Given Range

Here is the Turbo C program for the sum of ODD Numbers given a range.


Source Code

#include <stdio.h>


void main()


    int index, begno, endno, sum = 0;

    printf("Program for sum of odd numbers in the given range");


    printf("Enter Beg. No.: ");

    scanf("%d", &begno);

    printf("Enter End. No.: ");

    scanf("%d", &endno);

    index = begno;

    if( (begno % 2) == 0) // If it even, then make it ODD

        index = begno + 1;

    for(; index <= endno; index += 2)


        sum = sum + index;


    printf("The sum of odd numbers between %d and %d is: %d", begno, endno, sum);





Program for sum of odd numbers in the given range
Enter Beg. No.: 1
Enter End. No.: 100
The sum of odd numbers between 1 and 100 is: 2500