Software & Finance

Turbo C Graphics - pieslice function

circle function is used to draw a circle by accepting the center point (x,y) and the radius. It draws just the outline of the circle and it does not fill anything. pieslice is the function used as if circle provided if you want to fill with any color and / or style set by setfillstyle function. pieslice will take additional two arguments startangle and endangle. arc is the function which is similar to pieslice except it does not fill anything and just draws the arc with the start and endangle.


Here is the sample code with circle, pieslice and arc. In the output screen you can see there are 4 arcs, 4 circles and 4 pieslice drawn on 4 corners of the screen (left, top, right, bottom).


      // Draw circles

      circle(left, top, 25);

      circle(right, top, 25);

      circle(left, bottom, 25);

      circle(right, bottom, 25);


      // Draw pie slice

      setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, GREEN);

      pieslice(right, top, 0, 90, 25);

      pieslice(left, top, 90, 180, 25);

      pieslice(left, bottom, 180, 270, 25);

      pieslice(right, bottom, 270, 360, 25);


      // Draw arc

      arc(right, top, 0, 90, 35);

      arc(left, top, 90, 180, 35);

      arc(left, bottom, 180, 270, 35);

      arc(right, bottom, 270, 360, 35);




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Source Code

#include <graphics.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <math.h>

#include <conio.h>

#include <dos.h>

#include <stdlib.h>


int InitGraphics()


      int grd, grm;

      int gresult;

      // Detect the graphics driver and mode


      // initialize the graphics mode with initgraph

      initgraph(&grd, &grm, "");


      gresult = graphresult();

      if(gresult != grOk)




            return -1;



      // set the background color


      // set the foreground color


      // draw a white color border with rectangle


      return 1;



void main()


      int i, x, y, w;

      int left,top,right,bottom;

      int margin;

      int xradius, yradius;

      int cx, cy;


      if(InitGraphics() == -1)



      margin = 100; // 100 pixel margin

      left = margin;

      top = margin;

      bottom = getmaxy() - margin;

      right = getmaxx() - margin;

      xradius = (right - left) / 2;

      yradius = (bottom - top) / 2;

      cx = (left + right) / 2;

      cy = (top + bottom) / 2;



      // fill an ellipse will BLUE color SOLID

      setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLUE);

      fillellipse(cx, cy, xradius, yradius);

      outtextxy(cx - 95, cy - yradius + 20, "fillellipse 0-360 deg");


      // fill a sector (pie) with close dot fill

      setfillstyle(CLOSE_DOT_FILL, GREEN);

      sector(cx, cy, 0, 270, xradius - 30, yradius - 40);

      outtextxy(cx - 30, cy - 50, "sector 0-270 deg");


      // draw an elipitical arc and have two ends of arc joined with center point by two lines


      moveto(cx + 5, cy + 5);

      linerel(xradius - 30, 0);

      moveto(cx + 5, cy + 5);

      linerel(0,yradius - 40);

      ellipse(cx + 5, cy + 5, 270, 0, xradius - 30, yradius - 40);

      outtextxy(cx + 20, cy + 30, "Ellipse 270-360 deg");




      // Draw circles

      circle(left, top, 25);

      circle(right, top, 25);

      circle(left, bottom, 25);

      circle(right, bottom, 25);


      // Draw pie slice

      setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, GREEN);

      pieslice(right, top, 0, 90, 25);

      pieslice(left, top, 90, 180, 25);

      pieslice(left, bottom, 180, 270, 25);

      pieslice(right, bottom, 270, 360, 25);


      // Draw arc

      arc(right, top, 0, 90, 35);

      arc(left, top, 90, 180, 35);

      arc(left, bottom, 180, 270, 35);

      arc(right, bottom, 270, 360, 35);






