Software & Finance

Turbo C Graphics - getimage function

getimage is the function used to used to copy a portion (rectangle) into the memory. It accepts 5 parameters - left, top, right, bottom and image pointer (void far*). Sufficient memory needs to allocated. imagesize is the function used to calculate the image size of the given rectangle. Once the image is captured using getimage, we can use putimage to plot the image. In putimage function, we need to specify the point (x,y) where needs to be drawn and pointer of the image buffer and operator - type of copy. The operator can be COPY_PUT if you want to have exact copy. Alternatively you can specify XOR_PUT, OR_PUT, AND_PUT or NOT_PUT.


Look at the following lines in the sample code.


      void far *image = 0;

      sz = imagesize(left, top - 35, right + 35, bottom);

      image = farmalloc(sz); 


     // getimage

      getimage(left, top - 35, right + 35, bottom, image);

      putimage(left, bottom + 10, image, NOT_PUT);

      putimage(left, top - 170, image, COPY_PUT);


Click here to get the animated moving object that uses getimage and putimage


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Source Code

#include <graphics.h>

#include <alloc.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <math.h>

#include <conio.h>

#include <dos.h>

#include <stdlib.h>


int InitGraphics()


      int grd, grm;

      int gresult;

      // Detect the graphics driver and mode


      // initialize the graphics mode with initgraph

      initgraph(&grd, &grm, "");


      gresult = graphresult();

      if(gresult != grOk)




            return -1;



      // set the background color


      // set the foreground color


      // draw a white color border with rectangle


      return 1;



void main()


      int i, x, y, c;

      int left,top,right,bottom;

      int sz;

      int margin, cx, cy;

      char msg[128];

      void far *image = 0;


      if(InitGraphics() == -1)



      margin = 200; // 200 pixel margin

      left = margin;

      top = margin;

      bottom = getmaxy() - margin;

      right = getmaxx() - margin;

      cx = (left + right) / 2;

      cy = (top + bottom) / 2;


      setlinestyle(DOTTED_LINE, 0, 1);

      rectangle(left, top - 35, right + 35, bottom);

      setlinestyle(SOLID_LINE, 0, 1);

      sz = imagesize(left, top - 35, right + 35, bottom);

      image = farmalloc(sz);



      //draw a 3d bar

      setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLUE);

      bar3d(left, top, right, bottom, 35, 1);

      // floodfill with YELLOW color

      setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, YELLOW);

      floodfill( (left + right) / 2, top - 2, WHITE);

      // floodfill with GREEN color

      setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, GREEN);

      floodfill( right + 2, cy, WHITE);


      //draw a circle and a point

      circle(cx, cy, 5);

      putpixel(cx, cy, WHITE);

      // get and display the pixel color

      c = getpixel(cx, cy);

      sprintf(msg, "Pixel Color: %d", c);

      outtextxy(cx - 20, cy + 10, msg);


      // getimage

      getimage(left, top - 35, right + 35, bottom, image);

      putimage(left, bottom + 10, image, NOT_PUT);

      putimage(left, top - 170, image, COPY_PUT);




