Software & Finance

Turbo C - Check whether given point lies on a Line (Y = MX + C)

Here is the Turbo C program to check whether given point lies on a line or not.


We directly got the equation for the two lines Y = MX + C as input

Where M = Slope of a Line and C = Intercept


Solve the given point px and py with Y = MX + C.


NOTE: To check the given point lies on a line segment, click here


Source Code

#include <stdio.h>

#include <math.h>


void main()


    float slope, intercept;

    float px, py;


    printf("Program to find whether the given point lies on a line:\n");

    printf("Enter Line1 - Slope: ");

    scanf("%f", &slope);


    printf("Enter Line1 - Intercept: ");

    scanf("%f", &intercept);


    printf("Enter Point X: ");

    scanf("%f", &px);


    printf("Enter Point Y: ");

    scanf("%f", &py);



    printf("Equation of the line: ");

    printf("%.2fX %c %.2f\n", slope, ((intercept < 0) ? ' ' : '+'), intercept);


    if( slope * px + intercept > (py - 0.01) &&

        slope * px + intercept < (py + 0.01))


           printf("Given point lies on the line\n");



        printf("Given point is outside the line\n");



Program to find whether the given point lies on a line:

Enter Line1 - Slope: 1.25

Enter Line1 - Intercept: 0.75

Enter Point X: 2.33

Enter Point Y: 3.67

Equation of the line: 1.25X +0.75

Given point lies on the line

Press any key to continue . . .