Software & Finance

C++ - Preincrement and Postincrement operator overloading

We can overload both preincrement and postincrement operators in C++. We need to pass a dummy argument int to specify that it is post increment. The same logic applies to pre decrement and post decrement operators also.

Here is the sample code:

class MyIncrDecrClass



    int m_nCounter;



    MyIncrDecrClass() : m_nCounter(0)




    // The following operator++() represents overloading of pre-increment

    MyIncrDecrClass& operator++()



        return *this;



    // Passing dummy int argument is to mention overloading of post-increment

    MyIncrDecrClass& operator++(int)



        return *this;



    // The following operator--() represents overloading of pre-decrement

    MyIncrDecrClass& operator--()



        return *this;



    // Passing dummy int argument is to mention overloading of post-decrement

    MyIncrDecrClass& operator--(int)



        return *this;




void main()


    MyIncrDecrClass counter;

    counter++; // calls post increment operator function

    ++counter; // calls pre increment operator function

    counter--; // calls post decrement operator function

    --counter; // calls pre decrement operator function
