Software & Finance

C++ - Operator Overloading

Here is the sample code for operator overloading.

I have overloaded the following three operators for the class MyValueClass.
1. operator = (assignment)
2. operator += (plus equal to)
3. operator + (plus)

I have overloaded assignment operator and operator += in the begining. You can see two implementation for binary arithmatic operator +. One with using the existing += operator and another one with out using += operator.

Source Code

class MyValueClass {



    int a;

    int b;




    MyValueClass() { };


    MyValueClass(int v1, int v2) : a(v1), b(v2) { };


    MyValueClass(const MyValueClass& other)


        this->a = other.a;

        this->b = other.b;



    const MyValueClass& operator = (const MyValueClass& other)


        this->a = other.a;

        this->b = other.b;

        return *this;



    MyValueClass& operator += (const MyValueClass& other)


        this->a += other.a;

        this->b += other.b;

        return *this;



    const MyValueClass operator + (const MyValueClass& other) const


        MyValueClass m;

        m.a = this->a + other.a;

        m.b = this->b + other.b;

        return m;



    // This is an alternate implementation for operator + using the operator +=

    const MyValueClass operator + (const MyValueClass& other) const


        MyValueClass m = *this;

        m += other; // calling operator += , same as m.operator += (other);

        return m;





void main()


    MyValueClass Obj1(5,10);

    MyValueClass Obj2(15,20);

    MyValueClass Obj3(25,30);


    MyValueClass Obj4 = Obj1 + Obj2 + Obj3;


    Obj2 += Obj3;


    std::cout << "The value of Obj4 = " << Obj4.a << ", " << Obj4.b << "\n";

    std::cout << "The value of Obj2 = " << Obj2.a << ", " << Obj2.b << "\n";



The value of Obj4 = 45, 60
The value of Obj5 = 40, 50