Software & Finance

C++ - Copy Constructor

Copy Constructor are also the special type of constructors in C++ and they have got a specfic syntax.

The syntax is,
const classname& classname(const classname& other);

There are many ways copy constructors gets called.
1. When the object gets copied explicitly or implicitly
2. When the object gets initialized.


Source Code

class MyClass



    int m;

    int a;

    int b;



    MyClass() : a(10), b(20), m(30)




    // Syntax for copy constructor

    MyClass(const MyClass &other)


        this->a = other.a;

        this->b = other.b;

        this->m = other.m;



    // Syntax for assignment operator

    const MyClass& operator = (const MyClass &other)


        this->a = other.a;

        this->b = other.b;

        this->m = other.m;

        return *this;





void main()


    MyClass a; // calls default constructor

    MyClass c; // calls default constructor

    MyClass b = a; // calls copy constructor

    c = b; // calls assignment operator
