Vedic Astrology Predictions by KT Astrologer

AirAsia 8501 Crash on Dec 28, 2014

Predictions written by KT Astrologer Connect in Facebook


Dec 28, 2014 - AirAsia 8501 flight departed on Dec 28, 2014 at 5:35 AM (UTC +7) from Juanda International Airport. Its last known position was recorded at 6:18 AM and it is found missing at 6:55 AM.

You can find 3 charts


1. Departure Chart:
2. Last Known Location:
3. Panchang Information for missing flight: Dec 28, 2014 Panchangam


KP Pointer for the moon position is given below:

05:31 - 06:02     Jup-Jup-Rah-Rah
06:02 - 06:29     Jup-Jup-Rah-Jup
06:29 - 07:02     Jup-Jup-Rah-Sat
07:02 - 07:31     Jup-Jup-Rah-Mer
07:31 - 07:43     Jup-Jup-Rah-Ket
07:43 - 08:17     Jup-Jup-Rah-Ven
08:17 - 08:27     Jup-Jup-Rah-Sun
08:27 - 08:44     Jup-Jup-Rah-Mon
08:44 - 08:56     Jup-Jup-Rah-Mar


All these events happened with in Dhanushu Lagna in Pooradam Star and the sub period is Rahu. Rahu is in connection with Complication. It you look at the chart, Rahu is placed on your 10th house on the star of 8th house. The benefic Jupiter is placed on the 8th house on Bhadaka creating damage. And moon is receiving malefic Jupiter aspect from 5th house. By looking at the time of event, Jupiter is solely responsible for this event.


Most suffering people from this event will belong to Dhanushu Rasi, Kataga Rasi, Rishaba Rasi and Kumba Rasi people.



Predictions written by KT Astrologer Connect in Facebook