Vedic Astrology Predictions by KT Astrologer

Volume 5 - Issue 5 Software & Finance Monthly Magazine

May 2015

Astrology - May 2015 Monthly Predictions (Rasi Palan) for Makara Rasi (Capricorn)

Predictions written by KT Astrologer Connect in Facebook



Sun will be transiting into your 4th and 5th house indicating unfavorable position for entire this month. Both Mars on your Poorva Punya Sthanam and Venus on your runa roga sathru sthanam are not looking good for you! You cannot expect any good results from Rahu on your Bhakya Sthanam and Sani on your Labha Sthanam. Mercury getting Vakra Kadhi is also not looking good for you! Even with all these malefic energies, I could foresee you will continue to see great success and growth in many aspects of your life. The only reason is because of Jupiter on your Kalathra Sthanam. It is capable of eliminating all the malefic and can provide positive results.



You would be able to keep your sound health in this month. There might be some mental distress since Venus is on your 6th house, however it would be short lived with the presence of exalted Jupiter on your 7th house. You will continue to show up interest on exercise and maintaining your good health. Your cholesterol and sugar levels will come down to normal. Keep enough prayers and meditation to feel more positive energies and see great success on your life. Nothing to be worried with respect to your health on this month.


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May 2015 Monthly Rasi Palan Astrology Predictions For Makara Rasi Capricorn Moon Sign by KT Astrologer



Family, Love and relationship 

You will continue to strengthen the relationship with your spouse. Your family environment will be very much supportive. Any pending litigation with your family members or relative will get resolved smoothly in this month. If you were separated, then you will reconcile and start leading your life together. It is a great time for conjugal bliss with your mate. Eligible couples will get blessed with baby.


Even though there are minor problems showing up between lovers, it will get resolved immediately and will have wonderful time on your romance. If you are single, there is no surprise if you get any love proposals. You will find a suitable match in the coming weeks. It is a good time to get engaged and married. Many subha karyas happening in your family will make you feel happier. Your family will regain name and fame in your social circle.



Students will continue to outperform well on their studies. Your sound health will enough strength to concentrate more on your studies. You will also get placed into great schools and colleges in the coming weeks.


Work / Career and Business 

This is going to be another progressive month on your career. Your work pressure and tension will go down and you will have very much relaxed work environment. All your hidden enemies will disappear and there will not be any office politics. You will easily move up and get closer to top management. Long waited promotions and salary hikes will happen in this month.


If you are looking for job change or unemployed, it is overdue now. You will get excellent offers in the coming days. This new offer will be looking excellent, might come to you with possible desired relocation and excellent salary package from a very big company. You will also take couple of days off to go for dream vacation spot.


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God Bless You!

Predictions written by KT Astrologer


May 2015 Monthly Rasi Palan (Predictions) for each moon sign