Vedic Astrology Predictions by KT Astrologer

Volume 5 - Issue 4 Software & Finance Monthly Magazine

April 2015

Astrology - April 2015 Monthly Predictions (Rasi Palan) for Mesha Rasi (Aries)

Predictions written by KT Astrologer Connect in Facebook



Sun will be transiting into your 12th house and 1st house indicating favorable position only for entire this month. Saturn retrograde is looking good for you. But Mars is currently on your Janma Sthanam and will stay there for entire this month. Jupiter going direct station on April 08, 2015, will not give any major benefits for you! You need to be very careful especially on your health other than that you would be doing ok in this month.



Since Mars is on your Janma Sthanam and Jupiter on your 4th house, can cause adverse results on your health. You need to stay away from spicy food. Be careful while travelling on night and on Tuesdays. If you experience any problems on your stomach, get medical help as early as possible. You need to control your unwanted anger in this month.


Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages and eating spicy food. Drive carefully since minor accidents are indicated. You need to do yoga and meditation to handle the mental pressure you are going through. Watch out your friend circles since you might get addicted to gambling and other bad habits.


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April 2015 Monthly Rasi Palan Astrology Predictions For Mesha Rasi Aries Moon Sign by KT Astrologer



Family, Love and relationship

Since Mars is on your 1st house for entire this month, it can create unwanted pressure and tension. You will have no other option except to show it towards your family members and thus inviting more problems to your relationship. Watch out your words and try to develop enough patience. Avoid unncessary arguments with your spouse.


Lovers will continue to face problems on their relationship. However as the month progress, the intensity of the problems will go down with Jupiter on your 4th house gaining enough strength. It is OK to look for match starting from end of this month. However try to get married during or after Aug 2015.


Still it is not a great time for planning baby or to enjoy conjugal bliss. You need to wait at least until end of this month for this one. I could see your problems will peak out in the first two weeks of this month and will see some relief going forward.



This month is also not looking great students. Your health will also get affected and you will develop unwanted tension and fear. You need to take more protein rich food to get enough strength on your body. You will need to work hard to get good scores on the exams. Watch out your friend circle since they can misguide you. Avoid the habbit of drinking alcoholic beverages.


Work / Career and Business

Your office politics will shoot up and will not show any sign of relief in the begining of this month. However you will able to see the problems going down as the month progress. The worst part should have happened on your career by last month (March) itself.


Avoid asking promotion and salary hike at your current workplace. If you are not happy with your work, still you need to accept and adjust to your work environment. Your time is not looking bad however it is not looking great also to find another Job. May be, you can start sending your resume from next month onwards.


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God Bless You!

Predictions written by KT Astrologer

April 2015 Monthly Rasi Palan (Predictions) for each moon sign