Software & Finance - Monthly Magazine Online

Volume 2 - Issue 11

November 2012

Astrology - November 2012 Monthly Predictions (Rasi Palan)

November 2012 Monthly Rasi Palan (Predictions) for each moon sign


Sun will be transiting into Thula Rasi and Viruchiga Rasi during this month. Mars moving onto Dhanusu rasi on Nov 8 and it will stay there on Dhanushu rasi for rest this month. Mercury Rx station Nov 6, 2012 on Viruchiga Rasi is another important event. It is also the US presidential election day. Saturn and Sun conjuction on Thula Rasi is not good for the world in general. Again it would differ for each and every person.



Cick on your moon sign below to find your rasi palan (astrological predictions) for the month of November 2012 on this page.

Mesham (Aries) Rishabham (Taurus) Midhunam (Gemini) Katagam (Cancer)
Simham (Leo) Kanni (Virgo) Thulam (Libra) Vrichigam (Scorpio)
Dhanush (Sagittarius) Makaram (Capricorn) Kumbam (Aquarius) Meenam (Pisces)