Software & Finance

C++ - Fahrenheit To Celsius Converter

I have given here C++ Program source code to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius and Celsius to Fahrenheit.


The forumula for conversion is given below:


Celsius = (Fahrenheit - 32) * 5 / 9;

Fahrenheit = Celsius * (9 / 5) + 32;


Source Code

// FahrenheitCelsiusConverter.cpp : Implementation File

#include <stdio.h>


int main()


    double val;

    printf("Enter a number to use in Fahrenheit and Celsius Converter: ");

    scanf("%lf", &val);


    double Celsius = (val - 32.0) * 5.0 / 9.0;

    double Fahrenheit = (val * (9.0 / 5.0) + 32);


    printf("\n%8.4lf %cF = %8.4lf %cC\n", val, 248, Celsius,  248);

    printf("%8.4lf %cC = %8.4lf %cF\n\n", val, 248, Fahrenheit,  248);


      return 0;




Enter a number to use in Fahrenheit and Celsius Converter: 100


100.0000 °F =  37.7778 °C

100.0000 °C = 212.0000 °F


Press any key to continue . . .




Enter a number to use in Fahrenheit and Celsius Converter: -40


-40.0000 °F = -40.0000 °C

-40.0000 °C = -40.0000 °F


Press any key to continue . . .




Enter a number to use in Fahrenheit and Celsius Converter: 0


  0.0000 °F = -17.7778 °C

  0.0000 °C =  32.0000 °F


Press any key to continue . . .




Enter a number to use in Fahrenheit and Celsius Converter: 28


 28.0000 °F =  -2.2222 °C

 28.0000 °C =  82.4000 °F


Press any key to continue . . .