Software & Finance

C++ - Matrix Cofactor

Finding determinant is one difficult task for large (5 X 5 and above) square matrices. Another head ache would be finding the cofactor of a matrix.


I have written a C++ program to solve the cofactor problem that can accept any square matrix even 24 X 24 is possible.


I have used recursion and dynamic memory allocation a lot to solve this problem.


Source Code

#if !defined(MATRIX_H)

#define MATRIX_H


#include <stdio.h>

#include <iostream>

#include <tchar.h>

#include <math.h>


class CMatrix



    int m_rows;

    int m_cols;

    char m_name[128];




    double **m_pData;


    CMatrix(const char *name, int rows, int cols) : m_rows(rows), m_cols(cols)


        strcpy(m_name, name);

        m_pData = new double*[m_rows];

        for(int i = 0; i < m_rows; i++)

            m_pData[i] = new double[m_cols];


        for(int i = 0; i < m_rows; i++)


            for(int j = 0; j < m_cols; j++)


                m_pData[i][j] = 0.0;





    CMatrix(const CMatrix &other)


        strcpy(m_name, other.m_name);

        m_rows = other.m_rows;

        m_cols = other.m_cols;


        m_pData = new double*[m_rows];

        for(int i = 0; i < m_rows; i++)

            m_pData[i] = new double[m_cols];


        for(int i = 0; i < m_rows; i++)


            for(int j = 0; j < m_cols; j++)


                m_pData[i][j] = other.m_pData[i][j];







        for(int i = 0; i < m_rows; i++)

            delete [] m_pData[i];

        delete [] m_pData;

        m_rows = m_cols = 0;



    void SetName(const char *name) { strcpy(m_name, name); }

    const char* GetName() const { return m_name; }


    void GetInput()


        std::cin >> *this;



    void FillSimulatedInput()


        static int factor1 = 1, factor2 = 2;

        std::cout << "\n\nEnter Input For Matrix : " << m_name << " Rows: " << m_rows << " Cols: " << m_cols << "\n";

        for(int i = 0; i < m_rows; i++)


            for(int j = 0; j < m_cols; j++)


                std::cout << "Input For Row: " << i + 1 << " Col: " << j + 1 << " = ";

                int data = ((i + 1) * factor1) + (j + 1) * factor2;

                m_pData[i][j] = data / 10.2;

                std::cout << m_pData[i][j] << "\n";


                factor1 += (rand() % 4);

                factor2 += (rand() % 3);


            std::cout << "\n";



        std::cout << "\n";



    double Determinant()


        double det = 0;

        double **pd = m_pData;




        case 2:


            det = pd[0][0] * pd[1][1] - pd[0][1] * pd[1][0];

            return det;




        case 3:



            a b c

            d e f

            g h i


            a b c a b c

            d e f d e f

            g h i g h i


            // det (A) = aei + bfg + cdh - afh - bdi - ceg.



            double a = pd[0][0];

            double b = pd[0][1];

            double c = pd[0][2];


            double d = pd[1][0];

            double e = pd[1][1];

            double f = pd[1][2];


            double g = pd[2][0];

            double h = pd[2][1];

            double i = pd[2][2];


            double det = (a*e*i + b*f*g + c*d*h);

            det = det - a*f*h;

            det = det - b*d*i;

            det = det - c*e*g;


            return det;




        case 4:


            CMatrix *temp[4];

            for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)

                temp[i] = new CMatrix("", 3,3);


            for(int k = 0; k < 4; k++)



                for(int i = 1; i < 4; i++)


                    int j1 = 0;

                    for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++)


                        if(k == j)


                        temp[k]->m_pData[i-1][j1++] = this->m_pData[i][j];




            double det = this->m_pData[0][0] * temp[0]->Determinant() -

            this->m_pData[0][1] * temp[1]->Determinant() +

            this->m_pData[0][2] * temp[2]->Determinant() -

            this->m_pData[0][3] * temp[3]->Determinant();

            return det;




        case 5:


            CMatrix *temp[5];

            for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)

                temp[i] = new CMatrix("", 4,4);


            for(int k = 0; k < 5; k++)



                for(int i = 1; i < 5; i++)


                    int j1 = 0;

                    for(int j = 0; j < 5; j++)


                        if(k == j)


                        temp[k]->m_pData[i-1][j1++] = this->m_pData[i][j];




            double det = this->m_pData[0][0] * temp[0]->Determinant() -

            this->m_pData[0][1] * temp[1]->Determinant() +

            this->m_pData[0][2] * temp[2]->Determinant() -

            this->m_pData[0][3] * temp[3]->Determinant() +

            this->m_pData[0][4] * temp[4]->Determinant();

            return det;


        case 6:

        case 7:

        case 8:

        case 9:

        case 10:

        case 11:

        case 12:



            int DIM = m_rows;

            CMatrix **temp = new CMatrix*[DIM];

            for(int i = 0; i < DIM; i++)

                temp[i] = new CMatrix("", DIM - 1,DIM - 1);


            for(int k = 0; k < DIM; k++)



                for(int i = 1; i < DIM; i++)


                    int j1 = 0;

                    for(int j = 0; j < DIM; j++)


                        if(k == j)


                        temp[k]->m_pData[i-1][j1++] = this->m_pData[i][j];





            double det = 0;

            for(int k = 0; k < DIM; k++)


                if( (k %2) == 0)

                    det = det + (this->m_pData[0][k] * temp[k]->Determinant());


                    det = det - (this->m_pData[0][k] * temp[k]->Determinant());



            for(int i = 0; i < DIM; i++)

                delete temp[i];

            delete [] temp;


            return det;






    CMatrix& operator = (const CMatrix &other)


        if( this->m_rows != other.m_rows ||

            this->m_cols != other.m_cols)


            std::cout << "WARNING: Assignment is taking place with by changing the number of rows and columns of the matrix";


        for(int i = 0; i < m_rows; i++)

            delete [] m_pData[i];

        delete [] m_pData;

        m_rows = m_cols = 0;


        strcpy(m_name, other.m_name);

        m_rows = other.m_rows;

        m_cols = other.m_cols;


        m_pData = new double*[m_rows];

        for(int i = 0; i < m_rows; i++)

            m_pData[i] = new double[m_cols];


        for(int i = 0; i < m_rows; i++)


            for(int j = 0; j < m_cols; j++)


                m_pData[i][j] = other.m_pData[i][j];




        return *this;



    CMatrix CoFactor()


        CMatrix cofactor("COF", m_rows, m_cols);

        if(m_rows != m_cols)

            return cofactor;


        if(m_rows < 2)

            return cofactor;

        else if(m_rows == 2)


            cofactor.m_pData[0][0] = m_pData[1][1];

            cofactor.m_pData[0][1] = -m_pData[1][0];

            cofactor.m_pData[1][0] = -m_pData[0][1];

            cofactor.m_pData[1][1] = m_pData[0][0];

            return cofactor;


        else if(m_rows >= 3)


            int DIM = m_rows;

            CMatrix ***temp = new CMatrix**[DIM];

            for(int i = 0; i < DIM; i++)

                temp[i] = new CMatrix*[DIM];

            for(int i = 0; i < DIM; i++)

                for(int j = 0; j < DIM; j++)

                    temp[i][j] = new CMatrix("", DIM - 1,DIM - 1);


            for(int k1 = 0; k1 < DIM; k1++)


                for(int k2 = 0; k2 < DIM; k2++)


                    int i1 = 0;

                    for(int i = 0; i < DIM; i++)


                        int j1 = 0;

                        for(int j = 0; j < DIM; j++)


                            if(k1 == i || k2 == j)


                            temp[k1][k2]->m_pData[i1][j1++] = this->m_pData[i][j];


                        if(k1 != i)






            bool flagPositive = true;

            for(int k1 = 0; k1 < DIM; k1++)


                flagPositive = ( (k1 % 2) == 0);

                for(int k2 = 0; k2 < DIM; k2++)


                    if(flagPositive == true)


                        cofactor.m_pData[k1][k2] = temp[k1][k2]->Determinant();

                        flagPositive = false;




                        cofactor.m_pData[k1][k2] = -temp[k1][k2]->Determinant();

                        flagPositive = true;






            for(int i = 0; i < DIM; i++)

                for(int j = 0; j < DIM; j++)

                    delete temp[i][j];


            for(int i = 0; i < DIM; i++)

                delete [] temp[i];


            delete [] temp;


        return cofactor;



    friend std::istream& operator >> (std::istream &is, CMatrix &m);

    friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream &os, const CMatrix &m);   



std::istream& operator >> (std::istream &is, CMatrix &m)


    std::cout << "\n\nEnter Input For Matrix : " << m.m_name << " Rows: " << m.m_rows << " Cols: " << m.m_cols << "\n";

    for(int i = 0; i < m.m_rows; i++)


        for(int j = 0; j < m.m_cols; j++)


            std::cout << "Input For Row: " << i + 1 << " Col: " << j + 1 << " = ";

            is >> m.m_pData[i][j];


        std::cout << "\n";


    std::cout << "\n";

    return is;



std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream &os,const CMatrix &m)


    os << "\n\nMatrix : " << m.m_name << " Rows: " << m.m_rows << " Cols: " << m.m_cols << "\n\n";

    for(int i = 0; i < m.m_rows; i++)


        os << " | ";

        for(int j = 0; j < m.m_cols; j++)


            char buf[32];

            double data = m.m_pData[i][j];

            if( m.m_pData[i][j] > -0.00001 &&

                m.m_pData[i][j] < 0.00001)

                data = 0;

            sprintf(buf, "%10.2lf ", data);

            os <<  buf;


        os << "|\n";


    os << "\n\n";

    return os;







int main()


    CMatrix a("A", 6,6);




    CMatrix a("A", 3,3);   

    std::cin >> a;



    CMatrix acof = a.CoFactor();


    std::cout << a;

    std::cout << acof;


    return 0;



Enter Input For Matrix : A Rows: 3 Cols: 3

Input For Row: 1 Col: 1 = 1

Input For Row: 1 Col: 2 = 3

Input For Row: 1 Col: 3 = 5


Input For Row: 2 Col: 1 = 2

Input For Row: 2 Col: 2 = 4

Input For Row: 2 Col: 3 = 6


Input For Row: 3 Col: 1 = 3

Input For Row: 3 Col: 2 = 6

Input For Row: 3 Col: 3 = 9





Matrix : A Rows: 3 Cols: 3


 |       1.00       3.00       5.00 |

 |       2.00       4.00       6.00 |

 |       3.00       6.00       9.00 |





Matrix : COF Rows: 3 Cols: 3


 |       0.00       0.00       0.00 |

 |       3.00      -6.00       3.00 |

 |      -2.00       4.00      -2.00 |



Press any key to continue . . .






Enter Input For Matrix : A Rows: 6 Cols: 6

Input For Row: 1 Col: 1 = 0.294118

Input For Row: 1 Col: 2 = 0.980392

Input For Row: 1 Col: 3 = 1.86275

Input For Row: 1 Col: 4 = 2.84314

Input For Row: 1 Col: 5 = 3.62745

Input For Row: 1 Col: 6 = 5.58824


Input For Row: 2 Col: 1 = 2.94118

Input For Row: 2 Col: 2 = 4.11765

Input For Row: 2 Col: 3 = 5.88235

Input For Row: 2 Col: 4 = 8.43137

Input For Row: 2 Col: 5 = 10.3922

Input For Row: 2 Col: 6 = 12.3529


Input For Row: 3 Col: 1 = 8.13725

Input For Row: 3 Col: 2 = 9.70588

Input For Row: 3 Col: 3 = 12.0588

Input For Row: 3 Col: 4 = 15.098

Input For Row: 3 Col: 5 = 17.8431

Input For Row: 3 Col: 6 = 20.5882


Input For Row: 4 Col: 1 = 14.902

Input For Row: 4 Col: 2 = 18.2353

Input For Row: 4 Col: 3 = 21.4706

Input For Row: 4 Col: 4 = 24.7059

Input For Row: 4 Col: 5 = 27.549

Input For Row: 4 Col: 6 = 31.1765


Input For Row: 5 Col: 1 = 24.902

Input For Row: 5 Col: 2 = 27.9412

Input For Row: 5 Col: 3 = 32.451

Input For Row: 5 Col: 4 = 36.0784

Input For Row: 5 Col: 5 = 39.7059

Input For Row: 5 Col: 6 = 43.9216


Input For Row: 6 Col: 1 = 36.3725

Input For Row: 6 Col: 2 = 39.6078

Input For Row: 6 Col: 3 = 43.8235

Input For Row: 6 Col: 4 = 47.2549

Input For Row: 6 Col: 5 = 51.3725

Input For Row: 6 Col: 6 = 55.2941





Matrix : A Rows: 6 Cols: 6


 |     0.29       0.98      1.86      2.84      3.63     5.59 |

 |     2.94       4.12      5.88      8.43     10.39    12.35 |

 |     8.14       9.71     12.06     15.10     17.84    20.59 |

 |    14.90      18.24     21.47     24.71     27.55    31.18 |

 |    24.90      27.94     32.45     36.08     39.71    43.92 |

 |    36.37      39.61     43.82     47.25     51.37    55.29 |





Matrix : COF Rows: 6 Cols: 6


 |    -8.71     -3.12    23.91   -33.36     34.48    -14.51 |

 |   -20.30     -1.67    89.31  -147.84     83.23     -7.22 |

 |    15.04      1.99   -72.77   136.12    -85.15      9.14 |

 |    13.08    -13.86    -5.78    14.87    -10.39      2.85 |

 |    -2.01     21.59   -29.61    15.07     -7.42      3.33 |

 |    -5.97     -9.39    31.50   -34.64     21.37     -4.79 |


Press any key to continue . . .