Software & Finance

C++ - Binary Tree Traversal

Binary tree is often used in many application. I have given here the sample code for Binary Tree structure, filling elements and traversal in all 3 notations - infix, prefix and postfix. 
Note: I have written the code using recursive function.

Source Code

// Program for binary tree stucture and traversal


#include <iostream>

#include <string>



struct BTree


    BTree() : data(""), left(NULL), right(NULL), parent(NULL)




    BTree(const char* value) : data(value), left(NULL), right(NULL), parent(NULL)




    std::string data;


    BTree *left;

    BTree *right;

    BTree *parent;


    void InsertLeft(const char* value)


        left = new BTree(value);

        left->parent = this;



    void InsertRight(const char* value)


        right = new BTree(value);

        right->parent = this;




int TraverseAndDisplayNode(BTree *node, int notation)


    if(node == NULL)

        return -1;

    if(node->parent == NULL)


        if( notation == 0)

            std::cout << "\nThe prefix notation for the expression is: ";

        else if( notation == 1)

            std::cout << "\nThe infix notation for the expression is: ";

        else if( notation == 2)

            std::cout << "\nThe postfix notation for the expression is: ";



    if(node->left == NULL && node->right == NULL)


        std::cout << " " << node->data;

        return 0;



    if(notation == 0)


        // Prefix notation

        std::cout << " " << node->data;

        TraverseAndDisplayNode(node->left, notation);

        TraverseAndDisplayNode(node->right, notation);



    if(notation == 1)


        // Infix notation

        TraverseAndDisplayNode(node->left, notation);

        std::cout << " " << node->data;

        TraverseAndDisplayNode(node->right, notation);



    if(notation == 2)


        // Postfix notation

        TraverseAndDisplayNode(node->left, notation);

        TraverseAndDisplayNode(node->right, notation);

        std::cout << " " << node->data;




int main()


    BTree *root = new BTree("+");





    BTree *node = root->left;




    node = root->right;




    TraverseAndDisplayNode(root, 1);   

    std::cout << "\n";


    TraverseAndDisplayNode(root, 0);   

    std::cout << "\n";


    TraverseAndDisplayNode(root, 2);   

    std::cout << "\n";

    return 0;



The infix notation for the expression is:  2 * 4 + 100 % 25


The prefix notation for the expression is:  + * 2 4 % 100 25


The postfix notation for the expression is:  2 4 * 100 25 % +